ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order
86 Spotify Basic Plays 0.59 500 500 000
87 Spotify Premium Plays 0.59 1 000 500 000
88 Spotify Basic + Premium Plays 0.59 1 000 500 000
129 Spotify Podcast Plays 0.82 500 10 000 000
132 Spotify ★France★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
133 Spotify ★UK★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
134 Spotify ★Italy★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
135 Spotify ★Netherlands★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
136 Spotify ★Brazil★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
137 Spotify ★Turkey★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
138 Spotify ★Canada★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
186 Spotify Saves and Likes for Track and Albums 0.69 100 2 500 000
204 Spotify ★Argentina★ Plays 0.49 500 20 000 000
284 Spotify Plays ★Algorithmic Playlists★ 2.49 3 000 50 000
310 Spotify Slow Plays 0.24 1 000 10 000
Instagram Targeted Followers
124 Instagram Followers ★USA★ 7.50 10 40 000
126 Instagram Followers ★France★ 21.35 25 1 000
127 Instagram Followers ★Germany★ 26.40 1 1 111 111
128 Instagram Followers ★Vietnam★ 1.00 1 100 000 000
Instagram Targeted Likes
115 Instagram Likes ★USA★ 16.80 50 10 000
188 Instagram Likes ★USA - Quantity < 100★ 3.26 50 5 000
116 Instagram Likes ★Germany★ 10.40 20 5 000
117 Instagram Likes ★Korea★ 8.75 5 10 000
118 Instagram Likes ★Italy★ 8.20 10 1 000
119 Instagram Likes ★Brazil★ 0.43 20 1 000 000
120 Instagram Likes ★Turkey★ 0.42 20 40 000
121 Instagram Likes ★India★ 0.36 10 30 000
122 Instagram Likes ★Egypt★ 3.60 50 50 000
123 Instagram Likes ★China★ 1.50 20 6 000
125 Instagram Likes ★Arab★ 0.88 50 200 000
139 Instagram Likes ★Lybia★ 3.95 50 200 000
140 Instagram Likes ★Iran★ 0.66 30 30 000
327 Instagram Likes ★Spain★ 0.36 20 5 000
Telegram Members
229 Telegram Group followers ENG 1.25 100 50 000
239 Telegram Premium Members 13.75 10 70 000
282 Telegram Group followers ENG 500+ 1.30 500 200 000
Telegram Reactions
73 Telegram Like (👍) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
258 Telegram Lightning (⚡️) Reaction 0.38 50 300 000
259 Telegram OK (👌🏻) Reaction 0.19 10 5 000 000
261 Telegram HundredPoints (💯) Reaction 0.10 10 200 000
260 Telegram FoldedHands (🙏) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
262 Telegram EyeEmoji (👀) Reaction 0.10 10 200 000
263 Telegram ClownFace (🤡) Reaction 0.10 10 200 000
264 Telegram SpoutingWhale(🐳) Reaction 0.14 10 1 000 000
265 Telegram WoozyFace (🥴) Reaction 0.10 10 200 000
399 Telegram Dove (🕊️) Reaction 0.14 10 1 000 000
266 Telegram FaceWithSymbols (🤬) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
74 Telegram Dislike (👎) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
75 Telegram Heart (❤️) Reaction 0.14 10 1 000 000
76 Telegram Fire (🔥) 0.10 10 1 000 000
77 Telegram PartyPopper (🎉) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
78 Telegram StarStruck (🤩) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
79 Telegram ScreaminFace (😱) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
80 Telegram BeamingFace (😁) Reaction 0.10 10 1 000 000
81 Telegram CryingFace (😢) 0.10 10 1 000 000
82 Telegram PileofPoo (💩) 0.10 10 1 000 000
83 Telegram FaceVomiting (🤮) 0.10 10 1 000 000
311 Telegram Clap (👏) 0.21 10 1 000 000
326 Telegram Laughing Emoji (🤣) 0.10 10 200 000
370 Telegram Heart On Fire Emoji (❤️‍🔥) 0.19 10 1 000 000
371 Telegram Heart Eyes Emoji (😍) 0.14 10 1 000 000
372 Telegram Positive Random Mix Reactions (👍 ❤️ 🔥 🎉🤩 😁) 0.21 50 150 000
373 Telegram Negative Random Mix Reactions (👎 😑 🤮 😤 🤬 💩 🖕 ) 0.16 50 150 000
42 Tiktok views 500+ 0.01 100 2 147 483 647
16 Tiktok views 0.01 100 2 147 483 647
17 Tiktok likes 1.29 10 25 000
23 TikTok Likes +3000 1.28 10 25 000
61 Tiktok Followers <100 2.24 10 500 000
18 Tiktok Followers 2.24 10 500 000
19 Tiktok Shares 0.09 10 10 000 000
48 Tiktok Shares 100+ 0.09 10 10 000 000
24 Tiktok Custom Comments 38.56 5 1 000
25 Tiktok Random ENG Comments 8.43 5 1 000
26 Tiktok Random RU Comments 11.14 10 150 000
131 TikTok Saves 0.12 10 100 000
62 Вконтакте Лайки на Публикации > 100 0.70 100 100 000
72 Вконтакте Лайки на Публикации < 100 1.25 20 200 000
63 Вконтакте Настраиваемые комментарии 7.34 1 5 000
64 Вконтакте просмотры постов 0.03 100 1 000 000
65 Вконтакте Друзья (Подписчики) на профиль 2.92 10 150 000
66 Вконтакте Репосты 3.42 10 10 000
70 Вконтакте Просмотры Видео 2.64 10 10 000
71 Вконтакте Просмотры Клипа 2.64 10 10 000
85 Вконтакте Подписчики для Сообщества 4.45 10 100 000
20 Facebook Page likes 1.98 100 99 999 999
21 Facebook Post Likes 5.26 50 150 000
44 Facebook Post likes - 3000+ 5.26 50 20 000
60 Facebook Post Likes / USA TARGETED \ 6.13 100 5 000
22 Facebook Video Views 0.10 50 10 000 000
28 Facebook ★Post Shares★ 14.13 25 1 000 000
49 Facebook ★Post Shares★ ★Premium★ 50.00 10 1 000
27 Facebook ★Reviews - Recommendations★ ★Premium★ 42.00 5 150
46 Facebook Group Members 2.76 50 20 000
31 Facebook Emoticons - ANGRY 0.53 100 100 000
32 Facebook Emoticons - HAHA 0.53 100 100 000
33 Facebook Emoticons - WOW 0.53 100 100 000
35 Facebook Emoticons - LOVE 0.53 100 100 000
34 Facebook Emoticons - SAD 0.53 100 100 000
36 Facebook ★Comment Likes★ 50.00 10 500
37 Facebook ★Custom Comments - Male★ 55.00 10 250
38 Facebook ★Custom Comments - Female★ 55.00 10 250
39 Facebook ★Random Comments - Male★ 35.00 10 250
40 Facebook ★Random Comments - Female★ 35.00 10 250
41 Facebook Comment Replies 80.00 10 250
43 Facebook Page followers 4.20 100 100 000
47 Facebook Profile followers 1.50 100 200 000
101 Facebook Profile followers >1000 1.50 100 200 000
200 Facebook ★Event Interested★ 3.68 100 1 000 000
201 Facebook ★Event Join/Confirmed★ 3.68 100 1 000 000
365 Facebook Story Views 0.75 50 5 000
53 Instagram Verified Custom Comments 826.00 1 7
54 Instagram Verified Random Comments 826.00 1 10
55 Instagram Verified Likes 875.00 1 13
59 Instagram Verified ☑ Followers 6876.00 1 16
56 Instagram Shares 0.03 100 500 000
238 Instagram Saves 0.11 50 5 000
281 Instagram Comment Likes 2.53 20 10 000
313 Instagram Random Comments Russia 14.40 1 500
363 Instagram Engagement 0.51 100 100 000
364 Instagram Story Link Clicks 3.00 100 250 000
Spotify Followers
89 Spotify Followers >500 0.32 100 100 000 000
187 Spotify Followers <500 0.32 100 100 000 000
Spotify Monthly Listeners
90 Spotify Monthly Listeners >1000 1.40 500 50 000
100 Spotify Monthly Listeners < 1000 1.40 500 50 000
285 Spotify Monthly Listeners ★Algorithmic Playlists★ 3.29 1 000 50 000
Twitch Live Viewers With UserList
91 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist 3.22 10 20 000
92 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 60 minutes 3.22 10 20 000
93 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 120 minutes 6.44 10 20 000
94 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 180 minutes 9.66 10 20 000
205 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 240 minutes 12.88 10 20 000
206 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 300 minutes 16.09 10 20 000
95 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 1 day (24 hours) 17.83 10 20 000
207 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 7 days (168 hours) 134.31 10 10 000
208 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 1 month (30 days) 397.41 10 15 000
227 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 480 minutes 17.83 10 20 000
297 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 1 day (24 hours) < 200 Viewers 18.00 1 10 000
298 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 7 days (168 hours) < 200 Viewers 102.00 1 10 000
299 Twitch Live Viewers with Userlist Staying for 1 month (30 days) < 200 Viewers 305.00 1 10 000
Twitch Views
97 Twitch Clip Views 0.40 10 999 999
98 Twitch Video Views 0.40 10 999 999
Twitch Followers
99 Twitch Followers 1.35 1 70 000
Twitter Followers
102 Twitter Followers 4.93 10 200 000
231 Twitter Followers ★ Premium ★ 19.00 50 25 000
Twitter Likes
104 Twitter Likes 1.87 20 50 000
105 Twitter Likes USA 1.50 20 100 000
366 Twitter Likes ★ Premium ★ 19.00 50 10 000
Twitter Views / Clicks / Impressions
106 Twitter Video Views 0.02 100 20 000 000
107 Twitter Profile Clicks 0.05 100 100 000 000
108 Twitter Impressions 0.18 100 50 000 000
109 Twitter Link Click 0.20 100 100 000 000
275 Twitter Bookmarks 0.125 20 10 000
Twitter Retweets
110 Twitter Retweets 3.50 10 5 000
111 Twitter Retweets Fast 8.75 50 60 000
Twitter Comments
112 Twitter Custom Comments USA 40.00 10 250
113 Twitter Random Comments USA 30.00 10 250
114 Twitter Comments Likes 20.40 10 40 000
Spotify - Streams + Monthly Listeners [Targeted]
141 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [AUSTRIA] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
142 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [AUSTRALIA] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
143 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [ARGENTINA] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
144 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [BELGIUM] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
145 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [BRAZIL] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
146 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [CANADA] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
147 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [COLUMBIA] 1.69 1 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
148 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [COSTA RICA] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
149 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [FRANCE] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
150 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [GERMANY] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
151 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [ITALY] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
152 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [IRELAND] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
153 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [USA] 1.96 500 75 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
154 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [UK] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
155 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [SPAIN] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
156 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [MEXICO] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
157 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [NORWAY] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
158 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [NEW ZEALAND] 1.69 1 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
159 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [NETHERLANDS] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
160 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [PORTUGAL] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
161 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [SOUTH KOREA] 1.69 1 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
162 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [SWISS] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
163 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [SWEDEN] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
164 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [HUNGARY] 2.99 10 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
165 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [VENEZUELA] 2.99 25 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
166 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [EGYPT] 2.99 25 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
167 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [BOLIVIA] 2.99 25 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
168 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [BULGARIA] 2.99 10 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
169 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [BELARUS] 2.99 30 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
170 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [MOROCCO] 1.29 500 25 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
171 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [UAE] 2.99 50 000 500 000
This service is to boost your monthly listeners alongside with streams.

- Start Time: 1-7 hours
- Mix of Premium and Basics (% is randomized each order placed)
- Plays driven from Aged accounts (Not farmed accounts) Helps with algorithm.
- Traffic Sources: Mix
- Speed: 5K-30K/Day (Faster speed on bigger orders)
- Royalty Eligible
- Lifetime Guarantee - NO Drops
- You might get saves as bonus!
- Playtime: 95 seconds to full song
- 10-15+% Extra Delivery (varies from order to order)
- All kinds of Spotify Links accepted
- We CANNOT cancel/refund playlist links. Only speed up.
- RATIO can be 1:1 or slightly less.

• If you put 'Artist', 'Album' or 'Playlist' link, you will get the streams split on all tracks
• You can order multiple countries for the same link, at the same time!

- Ask for speed-up after 3 business days of no progress.

It updates Monday to Friday 3PM EST time. So please check your statistics after each stat update.
- We are not liable for any non-payouts if Spotify and/or your distribution decides not to pay you.

- We are not responsible for any bans or take-downs issue.

We can add a custom speed for you, custom playtime, with instant start time. Any country you want as long as Spotify offers their services in that country!
312 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [GREECE] 1.29 500 25 000
401 Spotify Streams + Monthly Listeners [Nigeria] 1.29 500 25 000
Spotify Track Plays ( Targeted Country )
172 🇩🇪Spotify GERMANY Plays [Speed: 15K - 100K/Day] [Lifetime Guaranteed] [Max: 100K] [Start Time: 12 Hours] 0.49 500 20 000 000
173 🇵🇹 Spotify Plays [PORTUGAL] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
174 🇸🇪 Spotify Plays [SWEDEN] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
175 🇮🇪 Spotify Plays [IRELAND] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
176 🇲🇽 Spotify Plays [MEXICO] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
177 🇰🇷 Spotify Plays [SOUTH KOREA] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
178 🇳🇴 Spotify Plays [NORWAY] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
179 🇧🇪 Spotify Plays [Belgium] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
180 🇦🇹 Spotify Plays [Austria] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
181 🇳🇿 Spotify Plays [New Zealand] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
182 🇨🇷 Spotify Plays [Costa Rica] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
183 🇨🇴 Spotify Plays [Colombia] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
184 🇨🇭 Spotify Plays [Switzerland] [Lifetime Warranty] [15-100k/Day] [Non-Drop] 0.49 500 20 000 000
185 🇪🇸Spotify SPAIN Plays [Never Drop] [Max: 1M] [Start Time: 6 Hours] [Speed: 10K/Day] 0.49 500 20 000 000
202 Spotify Plays [Greece] 0.49 500 20 000 000
400 Spotify Plays [Nigeria] 0.49 500 20 000 000
189 Soundcloud Plays 0.02 500 100 000 000
190 SoundCloud Plays USA 0.04 100 100 000 000
191 SoundCloud Likes 1.04 20 1 000 000
192 Soundcloud Shares (Reposts) 1.08 20 1 000 000
193 Soundcloud Followers 1.04 20 1 000 000
Twitch Chat Bot
194 Twitch Chat Bot (30 minutes) 5.70 20 1 000
195 Twitch Chat Bot (60 minutes) 5.70 20 1 000
196 Twitch Chat Bot (120 minutes) 12.75 20 1 000
197 Twitch Chat Bot (180 minutes) 21.00 20 1 000
199 Twitch Chat Bots. Random Text + Emoji 6.00 1 1 000
Kick Live Views
209 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 60 minutes 1.22 1 10 000
210 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 120 minutes 2.44 1 10 000
211 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 180 minutes 3.67 1 10 000
212 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 240 minutes 6.12 1 10 000
213 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 300 minutes 6.12 1 10 000
214 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 1 day (24 hours) 28.93 1 10 000
215 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 7 days (168 hours) 5.98 1 10 000
216 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 1 month (30 days) 5.98 1 10 000
217 Kick Live Viewers 0.62 1 10 000
230 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 480 minutes 1.00 10 10 000
314 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 60 minutes <200 viewers 1.66 10 5 000
315 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 120 minutes <200 viewers 3.32 10 5 000
316 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 180 minutes <200 viewers 4.98 10 5 000
317 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 240 minutes <200 viewers 6.64 10 5 000
318 Kick Live Viewers Staying for 300 minutes <200 viewers 8.30 10 5 000
319 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization 1.34 10 2 000
320 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization Staying for 60 minutes 2.68 10 2 000
321 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization Staying for 120 minutes 5.35 10 2 000
322 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization Staying for 180 minutes 8.02 10 2 000
323 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization Staying for 240 minutes 10.69 10 2 000
325 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization Staying for 300 minutes 13.36 10 2 000
324 Kick Live Viewers with Authorization Staying for 24 hours 33.29 10 2 000
Kick Followers
218 Kick Followers 5.63 20 5 000
402 Kick Followers <10 3.20 2 1 000
Tiktok Live Streams
223 TikTok Stream Likes 0.01 1 000 10 000 000
226 Tiktok Live Shares 0.05 50 10 000 000
232 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 15 Minutes 0.62 10 100 000
233 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 30 Minutes 1.25 10 100 000
234 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 60 Minutes 2.50 10 100 000
235 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 90 Minutes 3.75 10 100 000
236 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 120 Minutes 5.00 10 100 000
237 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 180 Minutes 7.50 10 100 000
274 Tiktok Live Streams Comments 26.00 2 1 000
286 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 240 Minutes 10.00 10 100 000
287 TikTok Stream Views ★Premium★ 360 Minutes 8.25 10 10 000
Telegram Targeting Views
241 Telegram Views ★Russia★ 0.07 100 100 000
242 Telegram Views ★India★ 0.08 50 100 000
244 Telegram Views ★USA★ 0.04 50 2 000 000
246 Telegram Views ★Turkey★ 0.08 50 10 000
247 Telegram Views ★Arab★ 0.08 50 50 000
248 Telegram Views ★Israel★ 0.08 50 100 000
249 Telegram Views ★Germany★ 0.12 10 1 000 000
267 Telegram Views ★Italy★ 0.08 50 10 000
Telegram Boosts
250 Telegram Boosts ★1 day★ 29.68 7 25 000
251 Telegram Boosts ★7 days★ 127.17 5 30 000
253 Telegram Boosts ★30 days★ 486.53 5 10 000
256 Telegram Shares 0.12 10 5 000
257 Telegram Story Views 0.27 10 10 000 000
Telegram Views
268 Telegram Views ★ 1 Publication ★ 0.02 10 450 000
269 Telegram Views ★ 5 Publications ★ 0.16 10 500 000
270 Telegram Views ★ 10 Publications ★ 0.36 100 100 000 000
271 Telegram Views ★ 20 Publications ★ 0.72 100 500 000
272 Telegram Views ★ 50 Publications ★ 1.80 100 100 000 000
273 Telegram Views ★ 100 Publications ★ 3.60 500 100 000
Twitter Space Listeners
276 Twitter Space Listeners 0.32 50 20 000
277 Twitter Space Listeners Staying for 30 minutes 0.83 50 20 000
278 Twitter Space Listeners Staying for 60 minutes 2.07 50 20 000
279 Twitter Space Listeners Staying for 120 minutes 4.32 50 20 000
280 Twitter Space Listeners Staying for 180 minutes 8.01 50 20 000
Twitch Live Viewers
290 Twitch Live Viewers 0.98 10 20 000
291 Twitch Live Viewers Staying for 60 minutes 1.98 10 20 000
292 Twitch Live Viewers Staying for 120 minutes 3.98 10 20 000
294 Twitch Live Viewers Staying for 180 minutes 5.98 10 20 000
293 Twitch Live Viewers Staying for 240 minutes 7.98 10 20 000
295 Twitch Live Viewers Staying for 300 minutes 9.98 10 20 000
296 Twitch Live Viewers Staying for 720 minutes 23.98 10 20 000
Facebook Live Viewers
300 Facebook Live Viewers 1.00 10 20 000
301 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 30 minutes 2.00 10 20 000
302 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 60 minutes 4.00 10 20 000
304 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 120 minutes 8.00 10 20 000
303 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 180 minutes 12.00 10 20 000
305 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 240 minutes 16.00 10 20 000
307 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 300 minutes 20.00 10 20 000
306 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 480 minutes 32.00 10 20 000
308 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 720 minutes 48.00 10 20 000
309 Facebook Live Viewers Staying for 24 hours 96.00 10 20 000
328 Reddit Channel Subscribers 1.00 100 100 000 000
329 Reddit Profile Followers 1.00 100 100 000 000
330 Reddit Comment Upvotes 90.00 5 300
331 Reddit Comments Custom 60.00 5 1 000
332 Reddit Views 0.34 100 10 000 000
333 Reddit Shares 0.85 20 10 000 000
355 Reddit Post Upvotes 33.80 50 10 000
335 Linkedin Post Likes 12.50 5 1 000
336 Linkedln Followers Profile Page 15.60 20 10 000
337 LinkedIn Comments Random 250.00 5 200
338 LinkedIn Shares 18.00 50 1 000
354 LinkedIn Comments Custom 35.16 5 1 000
367 LinkedIn Followers Company Page 15.60 10 1 000
LinkedIn Reactions
339 Linkedln Reactions Love ❤️ 10.80 10 5 000
340 Linkedln Reactions Insightful 💡 10.80 10 5 000
341 Linkedln Reactions Funny 😁 10.80 10 5 000
342 Linkedln Reactions Support 🫴 10.80 10 5 000
343 Linkedln Reactions Celebrate 👏 10.80 10 5 000
350 Snapchat Followers 12.48 5 10 000
352 Snapchat Likes 9.63 1 10 000
361 Snapchat Spotlight Views 42.50 50 100 000
Kick Chat Bot
344 Kick Chat Bot Custom 22.09 1 500 000
345 Pinterest Followers 3.96 20 5 000
346 Pinterest Pin Likes 6.05 50 10 000
347 Pinterest Saves 26.00 50 2 000
351 Discord Members Online 30 days 3.84 50 100 000
353 Discord Members Offline 19.02 1 10 000
362 Discord Reactions 2.22 25 30 000
Pinterest Reactions
356 Pinterest Pins Reactions Good Idea 💡 5.00 20 2 000
357 Pinterest Pins Reactions Love ❤️ 5.00 20 2 000
358 Pinterest Pins Reactions Thanks ✨ 5.00 20 2 000
360 Pinterest Pins Reactions WOW 😮 5.00 20 2 000
359 Pinterest Pins Reactions HAHA 😂 5.00 20 5 000
Instagram Story
369 Instagram Story Poll Votes [Max: 30K] [Start Time: 0-1 Hour] [Speed: 30K/Day] 21.60 50 30 000
IG Poll Votes
Link Example for Option 1: USERNAME?vote=1
Link Example for Option 2: USERNAME?vote=2
We will send votes to the last story only (so if you have multiple polls on multiple stories, it will only work on the last one)
0-1 Hour Start!
Minimum 20
Kick Views
376 Kick Clip Views 1.07 10 10 000
377 Kick Video Views 1.02 10 10 000
Instagram Live Viewers
378 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 15 minutes 1.50 100 5 000
379 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 30 minutes 3.00 100 5 000
380 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 60 minutes 5.00 100 5 000
381 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 90 minutes 7.50 100 5 000
382 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 120 minutes 10.00 100 5 000
383 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 180 minutes 15.00 100 5 000
384 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 240 minutes 20.00 100 5 000
385 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 360 minutes 30.00 100 5 000
386 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 720 minutes 40.00 100 5 000
387 Instagram Live Viewers Staying for 1440 minutes 50.00 100 5 000
Instagram Power Services
388 Instagram Power Comments (5 Comments) 1.80 1 000 1 000
389 Instagram Power Comments (10 Comments) 3.00 1 000 1 000
390 Instagram Power Comments (20 Comments) 4.80 1 000 1 000
391 Instagram Power Comments (40 Comments) 6.00 1 000 1 000
392 Instagram Power Comments (100 Comments) 9.00 1 000 1 000
393 Instagram Power Comments (200 Comments) 12.00 1 000 1 000
Tiktok Verified Services
394 Tiktok Verified Random Comment (1 Comment) 1.06 1 1
395 Tiktok Verified Random Comment (2 Comment) 2.11 1 1
396 Tiktok Verified Random Comment (3 Comment) 3.17 1 1
397 Tiktok Verified Random Comment (4 Comment) 4.22 1 1
398 Tiktok Verified Random Comment (5 Comment) 5.27 1 1
11 Test service 40.00 10 50 000
198 YouTube Watch Hours Orders 1.76 1 000 5 000 000
224 YouTube Watch Hours *VIP SERVICE* 105.12 50 10 000
225 YouTube Watch Hours *60 minutes videos* 27.00 50 4 000
403 YouTube Watch Hours *45 minutes videos* 21.25 100 4 000
404 YouTube Watch Hours *25 minutes videos* 23.75 100 4 000